Confluence of Rivers

The Confluence of Rivers-"Sangam" from various parts of the world.

 The Rhone and Arve Rivers in Geneva, Switzerland
See more after the break........
 Ilz, Danube, and Inn Riversin Passau, Germany

 The Ohio and Mississippi Rivers at Cairo, IL, USA 

The Alaknanda and Bhagirathi Rivers in Devprayag, India

 Rio Negro and the Rio Solimoesnear Manaus, Brazil

The Green and Colorado Rivers in Canyon lands National Park, Utah, USA 

The Thompson and Fraser Riversin Lytton, BC, Canada 

 Jialing and Yangtze Rivers in Chongqing, China 

 The Mosel and Rhine Rivers in Koblenz, Germany 

The Drava and Danuve Rivers near OsijeK CROATIA