Shortest Boy in the World From Philippines

Junrey Balawing of Sindangan in the Southern Philippines is 23.6 inches (60cm) tall as he reached his 18th birthday  was certified as the World's shortest man last Sunday by the Guinness World Records. Previous record holder was Khagendra Thapa Magar of Nepal which made Balawing three inches smaller. read more after the break......

He was born normal size acoording to the family but when he was about four years old the family noticed that his peers grew more than he did. He stopped growing after his first birthday according to his parents,they were too poor to check out his medical condition.  His father calls him the familty'd lucky charm because he was unemployed until he was born and then fond job after his birth. Conception mother of Junrey said that he is too weak to take care of himself and needs help because he is in too much pain.