Hollywood Celebrities in the Renaissance

Today we want to blow your mind with the following experiment. Let’s imagine that now is the Renaissance. How would look celebrities in the Renaissance? Artists from creative website worth1000.com have tried “to catch the moment” and show us famous paintings but with modern celebrities in the main roles. All these new characters are without celebrity plastic surgeryand some of them look very natural in their new roles. Check them out after the break.....

Drew Barrymore

Al Pacino

Mel Gibson

Elijah Wood

Sylvester Stallone

Gillian Anderson

Penélope Cruz

Bruce Willis

Jude Law

Anne Hathaway

Angelina Jolie

Vladimir Putin

Sean Connery

Alicia Keys

Johnny Depp

Julia Roberts

Robin Williams

Uma Thurman

Brittany Murphy

Michael Jordan

Lily Cole

Kate Beckinsale

Michael Jackson

Gemma Arterton

Hugh Laurie

Hugh Laurie

Jennifer Aniston

Jack Nicholson

Robert De Niro

Nicole Kidman

Orlando Bloom

Natalie Portman

Nicolas Cage

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Harrison Ford