Subscribe Us by Email

Join Us with your Email ID, you will get email from us when new post updated. You can join here with any email Id (e.g. - gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc.).

Procedure : 

find the subscription area located at the bottom of the page, as shown in picture below.

Now enter your email ID (any) on the box and click on the "Subscribe" button, as shown in picture below. 

Then one window will open as shown in picture below, check your email id there and enter the security code on the Box and the click on the "Complete Subscription Request" button, as shown in picture below..

Then you get the accepted window, as shown in picture below. close the window by clicking on "close window".

Then login to your email account, you will get one email on your inbox from "Feedburner Email Subscription" as shown in picture below. open that email.

The email you received looking like this (shown in picture below). to confirm the request you have to click on the link provided on this email you received from feedburner. (as shown in picture below).

Then you will get the confirmation window, mean you subscription process completed. as shown in picture below. close the window.